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T-shirts Help New Year Resolutions

January 10, 2016

As we bring in 2016, many people are making their resolutions for the new year. We hear some of the same goals each year: hit the gym, eat healthy, quit a bad a habit, save more money, etc.


While many people give up on these resolutions at some point during the year, many others are able to accomplish their goals. I have my own resolutions for 2016, and I plan on using some amazing t-shirts to help remind me of them daily. These super soft shirts will hold me accountable!

Here are my resolutions:

1. Watch more baseball.

As a baseball writer, and obsessed fan, I have made it my goal to watch more of America’s favorite pastime. I want to use that time to grow as a writer, and grow with my family. I want to take my daughter to her first MLB game this year. I want her to be able to experience the game, and witness the love I have for baseball. I know she’ll have a blast, and it would make for great family bonding time! To remind me to stick to this goal, I plan on wearing the Boston Accents shirt.


This shirt plants a large baseball right at the center. It will be a great reminder to stick to this resolution!

2. Get out of the house more.

Everyone should take some time to relax. With a busy family life, and a hectic work schedule, I want to ensure I take some personal time. What better way to do that, than to experience the great outdoors? Hiking, camping, and enjoying nature. These are all things that I want to do more of, as I take my mind off of the chaos from work. As a reminder to get outside more often, I will be sporting the Portland Tree Huggers t-shirt.



With a strong, sturdy tree front and center, this super soft shirt will encourage me to take a break, and enjoy nature!

3. Become a better dad.

I want to make sure that everything I am doing benefits my daughter. I want to be the ideal role model, and someone that she wants to look up to. When I live my day-to-day life, I want to ensure that all decisions I make are with her in mind. As she grows up, and looks back, I want her to know that her father did everything he could to raise her right, and provide her with all the opportunities she needed to succeed in life. What better way to hold me accountable to this, than the California Crazy Eights shirt?



This sports team logo features an octopus. It’ll serve to remind me to act like I have eight hands, all the more to do things to become a better father.

These few shirts are going to be great additions to my wardrobe! On top of styling new shirts, I’ll have those constant reminders to not give up on any of my 2016 resolutions!

If you like any of these shirts, or any others from our awesome selection, add them to your t-shirt of the month club rotation!

Thank you for reading and supporting us!!

YOU are awesome!

Blake Cole

Awesome Sports Logos Columnist

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